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Harvard University is the oldest and most famous university in the United States. How to buy high quality HBS fake degree, fake diploma, fake certificate,fake transcript online? Since its founding more than 300 years ago, Harvard University has trained countless politicians, scientists, writers, and scholars in the United States and the world. In the early 17th century, the first British immigrants landed in North America, and some chose to settle in Boston. Among these residents, a group of Puritans who had been classically educated at Oxford or Cambridge University were able to receive the same quality for future generations. Education, they established the school in 1636, when it was called Cambridge College. Later, a man named John Harvard donated his life savings and 400 books to the school before his death in 1639. How to buy high quality HBS fake degree, fake diploma, fake certificate,fake transcript online? To commemorate the first philanthropist John Harvard, the school was called Harvard. the University.